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2024 Red Mass
September 19, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

As in prior years, we joined together to worship the transcendent Source of all justice and to renew the spiritual dimension of our vocation as lawyers.

Date: September 19, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., Sts. Peter and Paul Church.  A reception followed at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club.

Originating in the Middle Ages and now celebrated annually in San Francisco and around the world at the opening of each Court year, the Red Mass seeks blessing and guidance for judges, attorneys, law school professors, law students, government officials, and others involved in the legal and justice systems, and indeed for all who seek justice. In England, the custom dates back to the reign of Edward I (1272-1307), and in France jurists have gathered since 1248 in La Sainte Chapelle to attend Mass at the commencement of the new Court Calendar. Its name refers to the red vestments traditionally worn to symbolize the Holy Spirit’s descent upon the Apostles at Pentecost. It also recalls the scarlet robes worn by royal judges who attended the Mass centuries ago.

  • Price: $90.00
  • Price: $75.00
  • Price: $720.00
  • Price: $0.00
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Enjoy pictures from prior Red Masses here.

Past Recipients of The St. Thomas More Award

Dean Marvin J. Anderson
Hon. Carlos T. Bea
Hon. Suzanne Bolanos
Hon. Jeffrey S. Brand
Hon. Louis H. Burke
Hon. Walter I. Carpeneti
Donald C. Carroll
Hon. Ming W. Chin
Hon. William P. Clark, Jr.
Charles H. Clifford
Fr. John Coleman, S.J.
Hon. Carol A. Corrigan
David P. Dawson
Hon. Preston Devine
Richard C. Dinkelspiel
Hugh A. Donohoe
Hon. Robert Dondero
Robert H. Fabian
Mary Bridget Flaherty, R.S.C.J.
Hon. Daniel M. Hanlon
John F. Henning
Hon. Martin J. Jenkins
Hon. Kathleen A. Kelly
Hon. Anthony M. Kennedy
Hon. Donald B. King
Floyd A. Lotito, O.F.M.
Stephen T. Lanctot

Hon. Eugene F. Lynch
Jilma Meneses
Hon. Leo T. McCarthy
John M. McGuckin, Jr.
William H. McInernery, Sr.
J. Dennis McQuaid
John J. Meehan
Thomas J. Mellon
Martin D. (“Pete”) Murphy
Hon. John T. Noonan, Jr.
Hon. Edward A. Panelli
Hon. Joanne C. Parrilli
Eugene C. Payne III
Archbishop John R. Quinn
Hon. Timothy A. Reardon
Joseph P. Russoniello
Hon. Kevin V. Ryan
Hon. Peter J. Siggins
Thomas F. Smegal, Jr.
Hon. Raymond L. Sullivan
John A. Sutro
William F. Terheyden
Fr. Louie Vitale, OFM
Bernard J. Ward, Sr.
Hon. Raymond D. Williamson, Jr.